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Did you know that September is designated as National Preparedness Month? 

This month is used to promote family and community disaster planning now and throughout the year.  This is the time to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones before, during, and after a natural disaster.  The world is in the midst of dealing with COVID-19, California is experiencing wildfires, and the citizens in Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas are cleaning up after being hit by hurricanes.  Now they are left to pick up the pieces and rebuild not only their homes and communities but most importantly, their lives.

So now let's deal with the storms of life.  How do you respond when you're unfairly criticized or falsely accused?  Do you start rumors, tell secrets that you once held on to, call them everything except a child of God and then cut them out of your life?  Or do you take the high road by reaching out and asking why they are saying unjust things about you or better yet thank them for showing their true nature and ask for blessings although they hurt you?  The Covid-19 storm has  affected a lot of people financially which has more than likely affected marriages, friendships, and other types of relationships.  But even through both of these storms, lessons are often learned.

I think it is safe to say that if we all owned a boat, we would want to sail in calm and peaceful waters, that were so clear, we could see the bottom of the ocean.  But in reality, our true characteristics can only be discovered in the deep and treacherous waters.  Storms have a way of teaching us how to be humble and to be grateful for what we have and have been given.  It also provides us with a sense of joy and helps us realize what matters to us most.  Anyone who has gone through any type of natural disaster would tell you that although they might have lost all of their possessions, they would still be thankful that they have their life and their family. Anyone who has gone through any type of natural disaster would tell you that although they might have lost all of their possessions, they would still be thankful that they have their life and their family. 

Storms come into our lives to help us refocus and rebuild.  None of us are immune from the storms of life but we do differ when it comes to our persistence and the effort we put in to preparing and rebuilding.  So instead of seeking comfort, accepting mediocrity, and becoming stagnant, start preparing now to navigate through your storm and be victorious.  #SPEAK2MYHEART 


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